What are the Different Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite?

What are the Different Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite?

Cellulite is the skin deterioration that creates an orange peel like appearance on the skin. Cellulite is formed as a result of the effects of the fat tissues under our skin on other tissues. Cellulite has become a common problem that almost all women experience and have difficulty with getting rid of today. Although it is known to occur mostly in the legs and hips, it can also be seen in the abdomen and arm regions.

There are many misconceptions about cellulite. For example, that cellulites occur as you gain weight is nothing more than a misconception. On the contrary, there is no connection between these two situations. Hormonal changes and genetic factors can be counted as the main causes of cellulite formation. The fact that estrogen hormones are higher in women than in men explains the reason why most women experience the cellulite problem. Despite this, some men also have cellulite problems.

In addition to hormones and genetic factors, factors such as diet, smoking and alcohol consumption and inactivity also play a role in the formation of cellulite. One of the most well known treatment methods of cellulite is brushing or scrubbing the cellulite area. Since there are multiple reasons for the formation of this skin problem, these methods are insufficient to pass cellulite. Since cellulite becomes permanent in the body as age progresses, it is of great importance to treat it at an early age. If you have lost hope in beating cellulite, it is worth remembering that there are many effective methods that work.

Causes Of Cellulite Formation

The reasons for the formation of cellulite can be itemized as follows;

  • Hormonal changes,
  • Genetic,
  • Edema,
  • Unhealthy diet,
  • Dehydration,
  • Decrease in blood pressure,
  • Gaining weight and fat,
  • Inactivity,
  • Insufficient collagen,
  • Diabetes,
  • Smoking and alcohol consumption.

What are the methods of getting rid of cellulite?

Laser treatments, which are solutions to different skin problems, are among the methods applied for cellulite. In addition, liposuction, that is, fat removal, is one of the most preferred cellulite reduction treatments recently. It should not be forgotten that this treatment method has some risks because it is a surgical procedure.


The solution to many health problems is through nutrition. You can eliminate many of the factors that cause cellulite by changing your diet. It should not be forgotten that the decrease in blood circulation is also among the causes of cellulite. Minimizing this goes through the consumption of plenty of water. Drinking 10 to 15 glasses of water a day will benefit your skin. While increasing your water intake, you should reduce the consumption of all processed foods containing sugar.

It would be a logical step to leave products such as cream and sugar in coffees if possible and to consume less coffee. It is highly recommended that you take care not to use sugar in your liquid consumption. Excessive use of sugar increases the amount of fat in the body and harms your circulatory system. It will be a much healthier choice for you to cook or boil your vegetables or meat in the oven or on the grill for other meals. You should avoid eating fatty foods as much as possible. Instead of them, you should choose nuts such as walnuts, peanuts and almonds that will meet your oil needs in sufficient quantities.

You should especially stay away from pastries made with white flour. You should consume useful carbohydrates such as whole wheat bread, rye bread, oats, bulgur. Using spice products in your meals helps to speed up your metabolism.


Another responsible for the cellulite problem is actually a deficiency that we all experience in certain periods of our lives. Exercises that we cannot find time for due to the intensity and difficulties of life are considered the beginning of not only cellulite but also many other health problems. It is the harbinger of this skin problem that you do not want to have a sedentary life without sports.

In your spare time, you can take brisk walks, jump rope or do movements that will work the areas where cellulite is present. It is possible to turn your existing cellulite into muscle by exercising. If you have never exercised in your life, you can start with short daily walks. Daily walks you will do every day will also prepare your body for a rigorous exercise program. You can choose a bicycle to impruve your lower body such as hips and legs. The basic logic in exercising is to work on the cellulite areas and melt the fat. For this reason, do not forget that your body needs to move in order for your cellulite to go away to a large extent.

Sensitive and Regular Skin Care

Keeping the skin moist can be considered one of the first steps to be taken for those who have this problem. You can also include cellulite creams in your care routine. These creams, used in the long term, increase blood flow and reduce edema. In addition, special soaps that help keep your skin moist can be your savior. If you take a sea salt bath with these soaps, you can win in your battle with cellulite.


One of the methods of directly intervening in the cellulite area is to increase the edema removal by massaging the area with the applicator. Massage with special anti cellulite creams helps both to remove excess edema and to accelerate blood circulation. In addition to special creams, the use of natural oils is an indispensable part of massage. With these oils, you will be able to reduce the appearance of a damaged skin.

It will give the most effective result, especially if it is applied right after the bath. Because the pores are more open after bathing, their absorption by the body is much faster and easier. One of the most important things to pay attention to while massaging is not to make fast and hard movements.

Cellulite Treatment with Emtone

Emtone is like almost a miracle in cellulite treatment, you can easily eliminate the orange peel appearance on your skin. Emtone prepares the groundwork for you to solve cellulite problems effectively from the first session. Emtone application takes about 4 sessions. Session lengths are on average 45 minutes, depending on the number of areas treated. It is possible to have Emtone application done in every season. If you want to get a permanent result in cellulite treatment, you can easily access all the information about the procedure here.