The quality process is the responsibility of everyone involved in the service processes provided within our institution. While fulfilling this responsibility; The main goal is to effectively design, implement, supervise, coordinate and maximize the satisfaction rate of our institution’s mission, vision, goals and objectives, service quality, patient/employee safety and satisfaction, all processes to be determined nationally and internationally.

In our institution, the Quality Management Department works independently of other departments and reports to the Board of Directors. It is stated in the organizational chart. All reports and studies from the Quality Management Department are first presented to the Board of Directors, depending on the vertical hierarchical structure.

All other departments have an equal horizontal structure in the quality management system. Department quality officers have been identified and appointed. Department Quality Officers work in coordination with the quality manager. At this point, Department Quality Officers constitute the first implementation leg of the quality system.
In all processes, the Quality Management Committee, Occupational Health and Safety Board, OHS Board, Risk Management Team, Internal Audit Team and Building Tour Team are actively involved.

Quality Standards in Health

Our institution is responsible for making arrangements within the appropriate framework of the “Regulation on the Development and Evaluation of Quality in Health” and the “Health Quality Standards (HCS) Medical Center Set” published by the Department of Health Quality and Accreditation of the Ministry of Health and carrying out the necessary improvement activities.

ISO 9001 certificates have been obtained, which contribute significantly to the development of quality culture in our institution, and external audits in this context are carried out by authorized organizations regularly every year.

ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Certification

ISO 9001 is an international standard developed by the International Standards Organization (ISO) that provides a framework for institutions to meet patient expectations and continuously improve service quality.
Our institution received the ISO 9001:2015 certificate on 22.06.2022, which makes a significant contribution to the development of quality culture, and is regularly audited in this context by authorized organizations every year.

ISO 27001:2022 Information Security Management System Certification

ISO 27001 is an international standard that provides a framework to ensure that organizations keep their confidential information safe and identify, manage and reduce information security risks.
Our institution has received the ISO 27001:2022 certificate as of 11.03.2025 and is regularly audited in this context by authorized organizations every year.

Adverse Event Reporting System

Our institution has an Adverse Event Reporting System for the management of unwanted or near-miss events that may threaten patient and employee safety. The system is designed in a way that employees feel safe, and if the relevant employee requests confidentiality, the principle of confidentiality is applied during the reporting and sharing of reports. Necessary improvement activities are planned for undesirable event notifications and event-specific root cause analyzes are performed.

Indicator Management System

Kumru has an Indicator Management System to monitor, evaluate and improve the performance of the departments. It is followed in line with the Indicator Management Guide published by the Ministry of Health. As a result of the analysis of the indicators, necessary improvement activities are planned and Corrective/Remedial Activities are implemented.

Self Assessments

A Self-Assessment Team is determined by the Quality Management Department, based on standards, and a plan for self-evaluation is created. If missing or Corrective/Remedial Actions are detected by the team, the necessary improvement works are carried out in cooperation with the relevant department managers and senior management.

Building Tours

Inspections to ensure that the physical conditions and technical infrastructure of our institution are continuous, safe and easily accessible for patients, their relatives and employees are carried out at regular intervals by the Building Tour Team under the coordination of the Occupational Health and Safety Specialist, and the necessary improvement activities are planned for the detected non-conformities and Corrective/Remedial Activities are taken. is implemented.


In line with quality improvement activities in our institution, necessary training for employees is provided effectively and efficiently. Every year, the Annual Training Plan is prepared by the Human Resources Department by determining the required standards in accordance with the demands from the departments and the identified needs. Trainings are held regularly throughout the year in our institution’s conference hall. Evaluations of the training are made. External trainings are followed by the Human Resources Department within the plan.


An emergency plan and instructions have been created in our institution for possible disasters and emergencies. Training and exercises are carried out throughout the year under the coordination of an Occupational Health and Safety Specialist.